Community Portal

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BITwiki Community Portal

Your Portal to the BIT Cosmos

Welcome to BITwiki

Dive into the depths of cryptocurrency knowledge. Whether you’re a seasoned crypto expert or just starting out, BITwiki is your comprehensive guide to all things crypto. Explore articles, stay updated with the latest trends, and become part of our thriving community.


Discover the first decentralized digital currency that revolutionized the financial world.


Understand the underlying technology that powers cryptocurrencies and more.


Explore the impact of AI on the crypto industry and beyond.

Wiki Statistics

Total Pages: 122

Content Pages (Articles): 11

Uploaded Files: 17

Total Edits: 397

Active Users: 4

Total Users: 3

Administrators: 3


Current Date: 6-10-2024

Current Week Number: 40

Year Remaining: 23.08%

Year Passed: 76.92%

User Information

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Your Total Edits: Please log in to view your edit count.
Your Contribution Percentage: Please log in to view your contribution percentage.

You have made 397 edits. You have created 11 articles.

Congratulations! You have earned the 100 Edits Badge!

Keep contributing to earn badges!

Keep contributing to earn badges!

Community Activity

Average Edits per User: 99.25 edits per active user.

Average Edits per Page: 3.25

Average Pages Created per Month: 13.56

Average Edits per Day: 1.42

Average Edits Per Day in the Last Month: 13.23 edits per day


Project:Content_Cleanup - Help us clean up outdated and poorly formatted articles.

Project:Expansion - Expand stub articles with more detailed information.


Add citations to articles marked as needing references.

Translate articles to different languages.

Categorize all categories properly.

Come up with outlines for topics, and category tree structures.

Prepare for massive import.

Community Guidelines

Community Policies - Read our policies on behavior, editing, and content.

Editing Guidelines - Best practices for creating and editing articles. *

Style Guide - Standards for article formatting and style.

Code of Conduct - Ensure a respectful and inclusive community.

Community Resources

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Frequently Asked Questions

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